Alternate History of Brazil 37 - Paraguay War VII

Created by Alex Costa (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/16/2019
Number of attempts: 161
Number of wins: 137
Number of likes: 11
Record holder: koning in 13 turns on 7/16/2019


Capitulo VII - A Guerra do Paraguai
Parte VII - Batalha Naval do Riachuelo

Para impedir que o Paraguai passe com seus navios pelo Rio Parana (principal rio que da acesso ao Estuário do Prata), O Império do Brasil envia 9 de seus navios para o Rio onde garantiriam que nenhum navio do inimigo iria passar por lá, sob o comando do Almirante Barroso e do Capitão Secundino os 9 navios são enviados ao Rio Paraná, numa região próxima as margens do estuario do Riachuelo. As 9:00 da manha é avistado 9 navios Paraguaios sob o comando do Comodoro Meza.

Chapter VII-The War of Paraguay
Part VII-Naval Battle of the Riachuelo
To prevent Paraguay from passing its ships through the Parana River (the main river of access to the Silver Estuary), the Empire of Brazil sends 9 of its ships to the river where they would ensure that no ship of the enemy would pass there, under the command of Admiral Barroso and of Captain Secundino, the 9 ships are sent to the Paraná River, in a region near the banks of the Riachuelo estuary. The 9:00 in the morning is sighted 9 Paraguayan ships under the command of Comodoro Meza.