Alternate History Of Brazil 30 - Empire V

Created by Alex Costa (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/12/2019
Number of attempts: 71
Number of wins: 60
Number of likes: 2
Record holder: DAYSofSPEED in 12 turns on 7/12/2019


Capitulo VI - Crescimento Brasileiro do Segundo Reinado
Parte II - Rise of Industry

Ah a industria, o capitalismo, Barão de Mauá e outros industriais e banqueiros que fizeram o Brasil ser como é hoje. A era de ouro do Brasil começou, a industria se expandido até onde o Brasil termina.

Capitulo VI-Brazilian growth of the second reign
Part II-Rise of Industry

Ahhhh the industry, capitalism, Barão de Mauá and other industrialists and bankers who made Brazil as it is today. The golden age of Brazil began, the industry expanded to where Brazil ends.