Alternate History of Brazil 21 - Independence II

Created by Alex Costa (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/11/2019
Number of attempts: 59
Number of wins: 51
Number of likes: 3
Record holder: koning in 4 turns on 7/11/2019


Capitulo IV - Independencia
Parte II - Avante Brasileiros que o sul nos espera

Após a gloriosa vitoria na província de São Paulo chega a hora de libertarmos o povo Brasileiro que reside no sul do Brasil, ao saber da independência o povo guerreiro do sul se uniu a nossa luta. a Guarnição Portuguesa comandado por D. Álvaro da Costa resiste na província da Cisplatina, temos que tomar o maximo de territorio que pudermos e após isso cercar Montevideo.

Chapter IV-Independence
Part II - Onward Brazilians that the South awaits us

After the glorious victory in the province of São Paulo, it is time to liberate the Brazilian people who reside in the south of Brazil, knowing of independence the warrior people who are the inhabitants of the south joined our struggle. The Portuguese garrison commanded by D. Álvaro da Costa resists in the province of Cisplatin, we have to take the maximum of territory we can and after that surround Montevideo.