Alternate History of Brazil 14 - Rebelion in Minas

Created by Alex Costa (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/6/2019
Number of attempts: 88
Number of wins: 86
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: koning in 1 turns on 7/6/2019


Parte XIV - Inconfidencia Mineira

Após um terremoto em Lisboa no final do seculo XVIII que destruiu a cidade, Marques de Pombal se torna ministro das financia de Portugal e para reconstruir Lisboa aumenta consideravelmente os impostos pelo ouro como o Quinto, que é um imposto onde o minerador deve pagar 1/5 do ouro que achou para Portugal.
Isso deixou a populaçao da provincia mineradora de Minas Gerais descontente, com a visita do novo governante da provincia houve pequenas revoltas espalhadas na provincia, atá que surge o o Alferes José da Silva Xavier (Tiradentes) que se torna o lider de uma rebelião de carater separatista chamada Inconfidencia Mineira.
A Revolta foi poderosa, tanto que nem o poderoso imperio português conseguiu segura-la.

Part XIV-Inconfidencia Mineira
After an earthquake in Lisbon at the end of the XVIII century that destroyed the city, Marques de Pombal becomes Minister of Finance in Portugal and to rebuild Lisbon considerably increases taxes for gold as the fifth, which is a tax where the miner must pay 1/5 Gold that he found for Portugal.
This left the population of the mining province of Minas Gerais disgruntled, with the visit of the new ruler of the province there were small revolts scattered in the province, so that appears the Ensign José da Silva Xavier (Tiradentes) who becomes the leader of an rebellion with separatist character called Inconfidencia Mineira.
The revolt was powerful, so much so that neither the powerful Portuguese Empire managed to secure it.