Alternate History of Brazil - Part 10

Created by Alex Costa (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/5/2019
Number of attempts: 108
Number of wins: 105
Number of likes: 6
Record holder: rambo in 1 turns on 7/5/2019


Parte X - Rebelião na nova capital

Com o rapido crescimento populacional da cidade de Rio de Janeiro o governo português transfere a capital brasileira para lá, com o passar da segunda metade do seculo XVII a população começa a ficar descontente, isso leva a uma revolta sem carater separatista.

Part X-Rebellion in the new capital

With the rapid population growth of the city of Rio de Janeiro The Portuguese government transfers the Brazilian capital to there, with the passing of the second half of the XVII century the population begins to be unhappy, this leads to a revolt without separatist character.