Alternate History of Brazil - Part 7

Created by Alex Costa (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/5/2019
Number of attempts: 98
Number of wins: 98
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: sorbix in 1 turns on 7/5/2019


Parte VII - De novo os Franceses?

Com a derrota da Antartica Francesa o rei Frances decide enviar um exercito poderoso para terminar o que antes começaram, o comandante Português Jeronimo de Alburquque monta um exercito improvisado para expulsar os franceses de uma vez por todas .

Part VII - The French again?

With the defeat of French Antarctica, the French king decides to send a mighty army to finish what they once began, the Portuguese commander Jeronimo de Alburquque rides an improvised army to expel the French once and for all.