Alternate History of Brazil - Part 4

Created by Alex Costa (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/5/2019
Number of attempts: 110
Number of wins: 103
Number of likes: 7
Record holder: Argentina_Ball in 3 turns on 7/6/2019


Part IV-neighbours...

Suffering from the persecution by the catholicists a group of Calvinists supported by Admiral Gaspar de Coligny invade Guanabara Bay (region where the city of Rio de Janeiro is located) for the following reasons:

-The desire for mercantile exploitation;
-Establishment of French sovereignty in the enemy territory of Portugal;
-Shelter for Protestant refugees.

Your mission is to prevent them from mastering more territories, strengthening the surroundings and expel the baguettes from there.