II. Unite or Die!

Created by Sergeant Hannibal (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 5/20/2019
Number of attempts: 69
Number of wins: 18
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: koning in 21 turns on 5/23/2019


After German forces failed to blitz Austria and seeing Germany's weakness, France, Italy, and Great Britain are moved to support Austria, but the Germans have sent another, huge army led by a competent general against you. In the meanwhile, Hungary has attacked from the south!

Meanwhile, Germany successfully got the Munich accords signed, which was supposed to help in the war against Austria by opening another flank. The Czechs, happy in their border fortifications, did not budge, but Poland is sending volunteers as well.

General, Austria needs you more than ever! We're being attacked from all directions! Fortunately, we have volunteers.

Little side note: I is considered medium-easy, and I completed it within 7 turns. This one is much trickier.