War of the 5 Kings (King Joffery,Read Description)

Created by LordGrace (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 5/2/2019
Number of attempts: 95
Number of wins: 64
Number of likes: 14
Record holder: Jose in 15 turns on 5/4/2019


Greetings and Welcome to Graces War of the 5 Kings. Here you will play as The Lannister Forces as King Joffery.. The Realm for far to Long has mocked and riduclued you. Your claim on the Iron throne after your late father passed is called into question. After you arrest Ned Stark for trying to deThrone you, his Son has called for a rebellion.. Robb Stark has united the North and several houses against you and in this termoil your uncle Stannis and Renly rebel to take the throne as well.. Now you must unite your people and bring peace to the realm.. Good Luck!!

Slot A: King Joffery (Lannisters, King of Westeros)
Slot B: Stannis Bartheon (Iron Throne Claiment)
Slot C: Robb Stark (King of the North)
Slot D: Baylon Greyjoy (King of the Iron Islands)
Slot E: Renly Bartheon (Iron Throne claiment)