The Great Kazoo War: The Anti-Kazoo Coalition

Created by Viridi Corde (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 4/4/2019
Number of attempts: 137
Number of wins: 99
Number of likes: 21
Record holder: koning in 6 turns on 4/4/2019


Tensions have arisen in Washington State. The rise of the Kazoo God has conflicted with the interests of the former top channel, Tech Device News. OrchestralArts, already at war with the Kazoo God and his allies, shall receive more aid from TDN. Who shall win?
In control of the Anti-Kazoo Coalition, will you be able to defeat the rising power of the Kazoo God? And what of his greatest ally, the Red Cascadian?