Rise of Froilanism

Created by ght (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/25/2018
Number of attempts: 416
Number of wins: 167
Number of likes: 41
Record holder: Nathan in 26 turns on 9/25/2018


Froilán III of Galiza, Duke of Lugo, uprises against Felipe VI, his uncle, also known as "The Usurper".
Felipe VI supporters (PP-PSOE-etc) organize in Zarzuela palace (Madrid). Neo-Isabelins (Ciudadanos) are trying to create Tabarnia State in Barcelona and Plebeianists (Podemos) organize themselves from Seville.
All them covet to subdue the Iberic Peninsula but just Froilán III is legimited by birth.
So the first Froilanic War began. Fight from Froilán, the King in the North!