The Empire of believers pt 2 the first world war

Created by Jthjedigaming (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/16/2018
Number of attempts: 91
Number of wins: 85
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: \\\/// KRAPULAX \\\/// in 5 turns on 9/16/2018


Years later, France and Spain are angered by the Treaty of Verdun so they ally with the British and the Russians to knock out Germany, the Arab Empire, and Greater Hungary. You stay nuetral but you send money and food to the German allience. The USA also backs you up and when Britain is Navaly invaded by France the US mobilizes. Its 1917 and one of your convoys in the Medditerainian was torpedoed by a Spanish sub. You instinctavly declare war.... the first world war has truly begun.