GOT The Reach Resists

Created by Den-Sel (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 11/29/2023
Number of attempts: 439
Number of wins: 20
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: Berni in 36 turns on 12/12/2023


Based on "Song of Westeros and the Free Cities" by Dameon.
7 teams
A--Essos: Targaryen/Dothraki (2)
B--North/Vale/Riverlands/Dorne (4)
C--Crownlands/Westerlands/Stormlands (3)
D--Reach (1)
E--Pirates of Iron Islands & Lys (1)
F--Wildlings (1)
G--White Walkers (1)
Reinforcement card: 3 pieces. Value = 6.

The King w/ the Lannisters and Baratheons are fighting the rebel forces of Starks, Arryns, Tullies, and Martells. Greyjoys have allied with the pirates of Lys and are roaming the seas. Wildlings are raiding beyond the Wall. And a new power rises in Essos. But the Night King and the Army of the Dead are marching down upon the Realms of Men.
The Tyrells are the lone oasis of sanity in a world gone mad.

Previous versions of same scenario
(play Targaryen)
(play Army of the Dead)
(play King of Iron Throne) - DIFFICULT