Challenge I (6)

Created by Vampyroteuthis Infernalis (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 5/25/2018
Number of attempts: 114
Number of wins: 4
Number of likes: 4
Record holder: Lepanto31 in 10 turns on 5/25/2018


// If you are from Europe, concider joining clan Europa Unitum. I founded a single player solving section where you can discuss how to create/ solve single player levels.

How does my training levels work?
If you think that you are a good player and think that you don't have to play this tutorial levels, you should play challenges at least. They repeat curriculum of preview lessons and if you cannot beat them, it means you should look at the whole lesson.

-How can you make counters with no income? You must already have armies on territories you want counter from!
-Luck factor has non-infinitesimal influence in this level.
-You get income from bonuses + 1 income for every 2 territories you have.
-As long as AIs have 0 income: you have to send only 1 army to 0 army terrritories and 2 armies to 1 army territories in order to not lose them and kill all oponnent's troops attacking them (decluding whole horde attack).