Surprise! (5)

Created by Vampyroteuthis Infernalis (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 5/18/2018
Number of attempts: 165
Number of wins: 46
Number of likes: 9
Record holder: Lepanto31 in 15 turns on 5/19/2018


// Creator of single player levels can add extra cards to given slots. The AI will get 500 armies.

AI attacks totally differently with deployed armies than with armies it had already on the territory.

1) It attacks with 6/9 of deployed armies 1/3 of bordering territories (if AI territory borders 6 territories, it will attack 2 territorirs with total of 2/3 armies it deployed. it can be 50:50, it can be different ratio)

2) It attacks with 2/9 of armies it deployed another 1/3 of territories it borders.

3) It attacks with 1/9 of armies it deployed the last 1/3 of territories it borders.

AI deploys 100 troops, territory borders 6 other territories
42 28 (= 70 - ca 6/9)
10 9 (= 19 - ca 2/9)
4 7 (= 11 - ca 1/9)

This happens only if AI borders 0 army territories. I will explain this more deeply in other levels.

After the 1st turn, the game will be the same as last 3 games. Keep in mind, that if your territory borders 2 hordes, you have to deploy 2x more armies than if it bordered only 1 horde.