World War One : Every Allies, No Date

Created by Risky (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 5/6/2018
Number of attempts: 167
Number of wins: 27
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: agamemnon in 53 turns on 5/11/2018


In this little twist of reality, WW1 started off with every single allies that participated in the war, from the German controlled Holstein province to the lands of Portugese East Timor (unable to find a suitable route for the Triple Alliance), the map of the powerhouses has completely filled the map for a land where the ground can be soaked with blood. There are some notes from the creator.

1. Unless you want the bonuses from the U.S, Canada, and a LOT of South America plus a chunk of Oceania, I resume you want to win.
2. Due to player limits, I couldn’t form more independent countries like Japan and Italy :(
3. Most of the map is irregular, like the split up of Poland between Russia and Germany and the Alsace-Lorraine province