GOT War of the 7 Kingdoms -- King of Iron Throne

Created by Den-Sel (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 4/8/2018
Number of attempts: 517
Number of wins: 81
Number of likes: 29
Record holder: MC in 28 turns on 4/10/2018


Based on "Limalia's Gargantuan Westeros" by limalia_786.
Original map has been modified to rebalance it and mirror the actual strengths of the GOT kingdoms:
-- North (weakened), Riverlands, Westerlands (substantially strengthened), and Dorne are now comparable
-- Vale (strengthened) and Stormlands are now comparable
-- Fleet values adjusted throughout (Iron Islands strengthened)
-- Big-city bonuses adjusted (Red Keep & Hightower: 12; Lannisport: 10; Gulltown & New Castle: 8)
-- White Walker bonuses added
No cards.

8 teams:
* White Walkers
* Wildlings
* Night's Watch
* Stark / Arryn / Tully / Stannis Baratheon
* King / Lannister / Bolton / Frey
* Renly Baratheon / Tyrell / Petyr Baelish
* Martell / Varys
* Greyjoy

The Crown fights to put out the rebellions to the north and south.
Play previous versions:
(play Stark)