Westeros #1 Golden Tooth

Created by Original Smarty (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 1/26/2018
Number of attempts: 184
Number of wins: 177
Number of likes: 9
Record holder: jeanmc in 5 turns on 1/26/2018


When Tywin heard about Tyrion being arrested, he called the banners and sent the Mountain to raid everything from God's Eye to the Red Fork. A huge host of 35 thousands men have gathered. Jaime has been given 15 thousand men while Tywin commands the rest of 20 thousand men. Edmure Tully has send Lord Clement Piper and Lord Vance to guard the Golden Pass, where the first battle of the War of the Five Kings happened. Next step i Wayfarer's Rest then Riverrun is to be taken.