WC3 NATO campaign 4 (Read desc)

Created by Spidy4000 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 11/1/2017
Number of attempts: 98
Number of wins: 59
Number of likes: 8
Record holder: Lord Tharmis in 19 turns on 11/4/2017


(Based on World Conqueror 3 campaigns)

Commander, you have just performed one of your greatest war achievements. Although we have been pushed back in Saudi Arabia, the losses on the enemy side has been catastrophic. Now we plan to finally push the enemy out of Africa and Middle east with the new supply that you will see at your disposal.

You will lead the British army into victory. Although we outnumber the enemy, be careful to not waste your supply too quickly. In addition, the USSR has launched an invasion against the poorly equipped Iran to gain more oil for the war.