rise of germany #21 west africa campaign

Created by BenMichael Brauen (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/2/2017
Number of attempts: 80
Number of wins: 68
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: Ysayell1 in 8 turns on 8/2/2017


with our indian colony secure we can finally move to west Africa we plan on taking over west Africa this will secure our flank if any allies were to attack plus we could also use this to start a colony in south america this will also give us more resources the empire needs at home
- the anti german empire coalition will all combine with morocco and Algeria into western Africa
- western Africa will pay war reparations and will be a puppet state
- western Africa will give 10% of all production and profit