World War Z (Africa)

Created by Vampyroteuthis Infernalis (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/16/2017
Number of attempts: 156
Number of wins: 66
Number of likes: 15
Record holder: NoThanks in 22 turns on 7/18/2017


And it happened! Zombie apocalypse is finaly here!
Take role of Egypt and save North Africa from death... walking death.

-Zombies will deploy lots of amries turn 1. They will do it only once.
-You should attack teammates to save them.
-Don't complain about airlift card count or I will give you 600x less airlifts next game.

Zombies will 1st turn deploy the big amount of armies randomly as well as they will always attack randomly. Becouse of this, the game will be each time you play it TOTALLY diferent! Different allies will need help, different allies will prosper! Even your little country will have each time different difficulty!

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