Created by Lafronde (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/2/2017
Number of attempts: 949
Number of wins: 400
Number of likes: 63
Record holder: Thierry Lagarde in 16 turns on 7/3/2017


You receive 2 lands at the beginning, among the few countries you ask. Choose them carefully to build continents as soon as possible.
No supply cards here. You are alone in the world with the only help of your own reserve (5 more armies per turn) and the ones you deserve with the continents you have conquested.
After you have received your 2 first lands, there is no luck or bad luck here. You are surrounded by big threatening armies of barbarians with no mercy. Only your vigilance, your intelligence and your strategy will help you to survive !
Keep confident in your own skills and get ready for the big battle ! May the Lord be with you...