The Chronicles of Far Land (Part 6)

Created by Lepanto31 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/16/2017
Number of attempts: 198
Number of wins: 16
Number of likes: 9
Record holder: FroschKonig in 12 turns on 5/27/2018


Sixth Part of the Chronicles of Far Land

Part 5 :

Part 5 Fastest Winner Map Layout: Ysayell1


The food supplies have run out. Your troops are starving and the local peasants are getting angry. You have to quickly seize the rest of the lower districts so that you can upkeep the army!
If you take out the three key figures in the lower districts, the villagers will find themselves without a leader and you will be able to subjugate them easily.