The Chronicles of Far Land (Part 5)

Created by Lepanto31 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/14/2017
Number of attempts: 124
Number of wins: 17
Number of likes: 8
Record holder: FroschKonig in 14 turns on 5/27/2018


Fifth Part of the Chronicles of Far Land

Part 4 :

Part 4 Fastest Winner Map Layout: Ysayell1 ( I did say the castle siege was next...i will gift 1 extra airlift)


The moon shines brightly in the sky. The time has come to attack the southern castle. 3 spies have infiltrated the enemy camp, and will send vital information in this dark night. Due to the darkness, you will have to pay a lot more attention and focus on ambushing enemy troops!

Special Rules:

An extra bomb card will be added to your starting cards for each castle you have under your control.

Read all the settings before starting the level!