The Chronicles of Far Land (Part 3)

Created by Lepanto31 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/11/2017
Number of attempts: 201
Number of wins: 23
Number of likes: 15
Record holder: FroschKonig in 13 turns on 7/11/2017


Third Part of the Chronicles of Far Land

Part 2 :

Part 2 Fastest Winner Map Layout: [V.I.W]*mtanzer*


The marshlands are yours. Your next step is to expand through the peasant town area. It would have been easy if the Royal Navy hadn't appeared! Watch out for their general! Scouts also report of a strange individual in the hill just above the southern district, you might wanna take a quick look!

Boss Info:

Boss #1, 400 hp, will increase the player's income every 5th turn: starting at the 6th turn, 11th,16th etc. income will be increased by 10+(n-1)*13 where n's value is given by the number of times the power of the boss has activated. eg, At turn 21, power activation = 4, therefore 10+(3)*13= +49 income.

Boss #2, 20 hp, can only be killed in one attack. At turns 11 and 14 it will increase it's power from 20-->60-->300

boss 3 and 4 will be explained in the next level due to lack of space!