The Chronicles of Far Land (Part 2)

Created by Lepanto31 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/10/2017
Number of attempts: 659
Number of wins: 37
Number of likes: 14
Record holder: FroschKonig in 11 turns on 11/1/2017


Second Part of the Chronicles of Far Land

Part 1 :

Part 1 Fastest Winner Map Layout: Tumbartuluk


After setting up your base camp in the southern district, you are waiting for reinforcements to come along from the sea. Unfortunately the town guards have come back for revenge, and your only possible expansion route is going through the marsh areas where the grave keepers await you!

Special Rules:

1) Every new scenario will keep troops and cards you had left in the earlier one. Your starting troops for the next lv of the series will be taken from the player with the fastest winning game in the earlier lv. Alas, don't spread out and avoid leaving neutral territories
2) I will add 1 airlift card starting with the 2nd lv to help you out getting troops to the front.
3) For every ship you own, you will get 20 reinf troops added on that ship territory at the start of the next lv.