Democracy #2 Indian Problem

Created by Original Smarty (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/13/2017
Number of attempts: 134
Number of wins: 56
Number of likes: 12
Record holder: Roger Yang in 12 turns on 7/8/2018


Though we managed to secure Shanghai, Kim forces are still tearing apart the Chinese people. But a new problem has arrived. 5 explosions happened yesterday in Islamabad. Pakistanese goverment blames the indians as usual. But this time, they are attacking them. In just 1 day, Pakistan has managed to reach Delhi. Commander, we dispached our nearest fleet there and blocked pakistanese ports. If we don't rush them, China or Russia can intervene.

1)Don't let Afghanistan or India to die.
2)Don't lose Kabul,Afghanistan capital

Difficulty: medium