2063 WW3 War for Resources Part 3 Icy H2O

Created by Goober (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/12/2017
Number of attempts: 222
Number of wins: 188
Number of likes: 33
Record holder: (deleted) in 10 turns on 6/12/2017


Scientist have confirmed that the Antarctica is the last place one Earth with a big fresh water source. Due to the lack of fresh water from overpopulation and pollution in the world. The fight for Antarctica is on! {South American Forces have a advantage of numbers.]
As Antarctica is being fought for many nations are collapsing form lack of resources or all out war!
Only the strongest and smartest nations are surviving. At this point a nuclear war could begin at momet.
Smaller countries are joining together to fight bigger countries
It is anarchy almost...
More to come in the Future
Part of the War for Resources Series Chapter 1