Mind Games (Hard Version)

Created by Lepanto31 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/9/2017
Number of attempts: 351
Number of wins: 3
Number of likes: 3
Record holder: imphal in 14 turns on 1/31/2018


This is the harder version of the Mind Games level.

Original Scenario Concept:


Personal Scenario Rating:
Difficulty ★★★★★
Skill ★★★★
Luck ★★★
Stamina ★

Remember to check the card pieces the AI have in the hand!

Notes: The original version of this map had some flaws by which players would let the two AI fight each other in oder to get the win. That was not the strategy I had in mind while I made that level, therefore now the two AI are allied!

good luck! :D