Middle Earth- the eve of The War of the Rings

Created by Steveabode (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 5/9/2017
Number of attempts: 149
Number of wins: 45
Number of likes: 13
Record holder: YoctoByte in 13 turns on 5/10/2017


Gandalf now knows that Sauron stirs in the East and suspects that Saruman is playing his own devious game locked away in Orthanc.

Goblin hoards guard the dark places of Middle Earth whilst the bolder Orcs move against the elves and the nation of Rohan with disdain and yet harry the borders of the once-mighty Gondor. Southrons and the Haradrim are now allied to Saruman and the Wildmen have been drawn to blood-lust by wicked words.

Is it too late to halt the tide of evil that threatens to engulf the world of Elves, Men and all Free Folk?

Choose your side now! Fight! FIGHT!