Zombie outbreak Penguin uprising (README!)

Created by André Sviski Johnsen (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/26/2017
Number of attempts: 379
Number of wins: 93
Number of likes: 20
Record holder: Wargamer in 27 turns on 3/26/2017


This is an alternative gameplay to my last game Zombie Outbreak were you played as EU. In this alternative reality your the King penguin and will lead the penguin uprising against the humans of the world.

Year 2022
A sickness has awaken in China, it has spread in fearsome speed. Luckily the borders of China has been locked out and the airspace have been guarded. So the pleague has not been able to spread, yet.
In the last few years the islamic muslims have made Peace with eachother, yet recked havoc on their neighboring countries and kept gaining ground.
Oprah has been elected president of the USA. She is afraid of her neighboring countries now, doesn't want the pleague to get to her. Will she attack? Most of the world is in shock and will not partake other then defend their own. This is the Perfect moment for the Penguins to take up arms.