Rebels in France FINALE II (READ BELOW)

Created by IDoApologise (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/11/2017
Number of attempts: 246
Number of wins: 208
Number of likes: 30
Record holder: ooooman in 14 turns on 1/4/2019


After Corsica was granted independence from France, they launched an invasion of Sardinia and thus Italy. Aware of the growing risk Corsica posed, France joined sides with Sardinia in an attempt to defeat Corsica and reconquer all of France.

Corsica's military is exceedingly powerful, so act quickly - Sardinia will not be able to hold up for long.

HINT: Nearly all of Corsica's invading power is in the south. Conquer Corsica from the north and attack their forces from all sides.