Aegon's Conquest. Part 1

Created by TyrionM (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/13/2017
Number of attempts: 177
Number of wins: 157
Number of likes: 11
Record holder: General Woofer in 5 turns on 1/7/2018


Part 1 - Aegon's Landing

Aegon Targaryen and his two sister-wives, Rhaenys and Visenya, landed on the mouth of the Blackwater Rush. They started the construction of the Aegonfort and claimed their first spot of land on the mainland of Westeros. Houses Velaryon, Celtigar and Massey supported him, but many other lords decided to fight him.

The first two to oppose them were Lord Darklyn of Duskendale and Lord Mooton of Maidenpool, who allied themselves against Aegon and his sisters. Aegon sent his half-brother, Orys Baratheon, with an army to face them, and he himself descended on them from the above with Balerion, the Black Dread. After both Lord Darklyn and Lord Mooton were slain, their heirs decided to yeild their castles and sworn their swords to House Targaryen.

Then, Visenya and Rhaenys crowned his brother Aegon as as "Aegon, First of His Name, King of All Westeros, and Shield of His People."