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Rigged WW2 template by tarlwolf: 2025-01-19 16:56:17

Level 55
I recently joined a game with a WW2 template (similar to the well known 13v13 axis vs allies but this game was 14v14 didn't think much of it apparantly the host wanted to split up some countries to alter the game slightly). game: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=39856413

From the start of me joining the game there was some weird player behaviour, for example the host didn't respond in chat and kept waiting for invited players that hadn't been online for weeks, i waited out thinking apparantly the host knew them and knew when they would be back to the game...

As the weird behaviour started to increase i decided to look a little bit further into the template and player behaviour so starting with the template it was exactly the same as the 13v13 a very well balanced game where i have seen both sides winning except that Portugal was changed from axis to allies and germany was split up into Germany, norway and Romania all else seems to be exactly the same so all these changes to the template did was adding Portugal's income and starting armysizes from the axis to the allies (considering the original game was very balanced these changes obviously heavily favors the allies)...

now the playerbehaviour, the invited players and theirs stats on winning 14v14
Allied side:
Piet: 12 / 12 (100%)
Ticino: 11 / 11 (100%)
Morre: 30 / 34 (88%)
Redman: 36 / 39 (92%)
rain drops: 6 / 6 (100%)
Capt_Jack: 19 / 19 (100%)
Mitch: 35 / 35 (100%) (also interesting 43% boot rate, impressive to get suchs great stats when you get booted half the time).
Sir. William: 7 / 7 (100%)
tarlwolf: 43 / 43 (100%) also is the host of the game and claims credits for creating the template itself
MrCasty: doesn't show winrates in his profile

Axis side:
rigtre: 0 / 3 (0%)
Sydney Sedlak: 4 / 29 (13%)
Alboino: 0 / 7 (0%)
KobyMan: 0 / 7 (0%)
Protectorate of Dresden: 0 / 17 (0%)

now i can't say for certain all their 14v14's were played on this game but with the incredible amount of players that have 100% in the allies team and with the incredibly terrible stats for the axis teammembers that were invited the odds of this happening by chance seems really small to me so i am pretty confident that tarlwolf rigs these games on purpose and uses multiple friends and altaccounts to rig these games and boosts his stats and level...

i happened to be on the winning side of the game but i feel like this type of behaviour really damages the warzone community so i hope that something will be done about these players and their altaccounts...

Edited 1/19/2025 17:02:12
Rigged WW2 template by tarlwolf: 2025-01-19 22:27:26

Level 55
at first i thought he left the bonusses for territories the same but turns out he also turned some american and germans bonusses to 20 or 15 (original game only had 1,5 or 10 value bonusses) still these higher bonusses seem to favor the allies even more...
Rigged WW2 template by tarlwolf: 2025-01-24 11:00:52

Roman Republic
Level 60
there is more and more cheating on warzone
Rigged WW2 template by tarlwolf: 2025-01-24 14:35:23

Pink Velvet
Level 60
It's tarlwolf is this even surprising
Rigged WW2 template by tarlwolf: 2025-01-24 22:23:12

Level 61
tarlwolf without a doubt is the biggest toxic cheater and intentional lost-game-dragging-to-max-time-delayer in this game. no other player comes even close to ruining the experience of playing warzone for others like he does.
It is an absolute shame he wasn't banned a long time ago.

good job on at least maybe listing some of his alts here.

Edited 1/24/2025 22:30:25
Rigged WW2 template by tarlwolf: 2025-02-02 19:28:49

Level 55
Tarlwolf also demanded from a teammate to surrender and turn ai (according to him because he didn't like the players name and because he as the host had the powers to demand suchs a thing) and as this teammate refused he decided to kill him and sabotaged our team by discarding all airlift cards to make sure nobody would help this teammate therefor also ensuring that none of us could help others...

honestly why is nothing being done about this, i can't imagine any other game where suchs a player wouldn't get banned...

Edited 2/2/2025 19:29:28
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