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Warzone Idle - Achievements: 2024-02-04 23:56:51

I am Groot 
Level 61
Can you please explain how the achievement listed below works? I'm confused about what it means about ore rewards.

Unlock all Ore rewards from defeating levels fast.
Warzone Idle - Achievements: 2024-02-05 00:01:52

Level 61
if you go to idle page and pick a level between Final Earth and China, you will see a line "You earned 30% to Copper production by defeating this level in less than 1 day 3 hours!"(I forget how it is before you defeat the level within time limit).

So finish all level between Final Earth and China within the time limit to get this achievement
Warzone Idle - Achievements: 2024-02-05 00:22:00

Level 63
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