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WarZone Idle Battle - Legends: 2023-06-12 21:39:04

Level 53

Secret Rewards (obtained once:)

rank 1st Epic artifact
rank 2nd 100 AP
rank 3rd Inspire Mercenaries power
rank 4th Rare Artifact
rank 5th Free Cache power

BP plateaus
50 artifact
100 time warp power
200 common artifact
400 free cache power
800 uncommon artifact
1600 50 AP
3200 rare artifact
6400 inspire mercenary power
12800 300 AP
25600 epic artifact
51200 multi level power
102400 legendary artifact

There are NO battle rewards above the Legendary Artifact.

The FIRST SEVEN players to reach
102,400 BP and earn the LEGENDARY ARTIFACT are:

July 27, 2022 - WARTOG - legendary cache boost

November 29, 2022 - OTTO - legendary item values

February 19, 2023 - GUNK - legendary quadruple strike

March 28, 2023 - IVAN2 - legendary money cache

May 13, 2023 - CRYPTIC - legendary resource cache boost

May 21, 2023 - FTWW - legendary resource cache boost

July 5, 2023 - DONKEY TEETH - legendary cache boost


🐷 Please feel free to share your own WZIB Legends in ths thread.🐷
NOTE: I have tried to meticulously verify all of the known accounts of Leg Artis. But since there is nothing in the game machinery that allows us to verify another player's Idle progress... Please remember to take a screen shot, if you can. Or document your success in some other manner.

Edited 7/6/2023 04:34:20
WarZone Idle Battle - Legends: 2023-06-13 06:16:15

Level 36
Everyone is getting something useful.

Maybe Fizzer has enough heart not to award legendary crying FB.
WarZone Idle Battle - Legends: 2023-06-13 17:05:26

Level 62
Only gunk and I won and hit the number exactly. Precision!
WarZone Idle Battle - Legends: 2023-06-13 18:36:00

Level 53
WarTog's Story...

In the spring of 2022, I happened to overhear a conversation in Global Chat between two very experienced WZ Idle players who were speculating over whether there were any WZIB rewards after the Multi-Level at 51200 BP. Since I had *already* earned the Multi-Level, I informed them that the next reward was a Legendary Artifact.

They seemed very skeptical. They politely acknowledged that it was "possible" that a Leg could be the next reward, then went back to discussing rumors they had hear that the Multi-Level was the final reward.

(To be fair, in the most reputable WZI guide, at the time, the information about WZIB did not go past 51200, so it was a reasonable belief.)

Over the next couple weeks, I had that same basic conversation with several players and the same skeptical response every time. Maybe because my level was so much lower than their's that they assumed I couldn't possibly have achieved a much higher level in WZIB? I don't know. But I soon realized that the only way I was ever going to convince anyone that the next reward was a Legendary Artichoke was to win one myself. And even then, they probably wouldn't believe me unless I made a video.

So I set out to become the first player to reach 102400 BP. (And to be honest, probably the only one even trying. In those days, I think most players gave up after the Epic.)

My strategy was fairly simple. (And might not even work today, since many players now employ some of the same techniques.)

To earn the Leg Arti, you need many many BP. *and* you need to play MANY MANY hours without getting burned out.

*** FIRST - I went ALL-IN on the SAC+TW Strategy.
I do not claim to have invented SAC+TW. But I was definitely one of the early implementers. And I am certain that I was the only player, at that time, having upgraded both artifacts to Legendary.

I remember reading the (aforementioned) very-reputable WZI Guide and it listed the advantages of some of the various Artifacts in WZIB. And under Super-Charge Army Camp, it simply said: "Congratulations. You just won WZIB." The guide didn't even mention Time Warp. But to be fair, this was also written back when cool-down times were 24 hours, so very few players were ever using ANY of the active artifacts. But once the cool down times were reduced to 16 hours, and Hardened WZ introduced the 4th Boy, TW became my favorite artifact. And I just thought, if SAC alone is so OP, wouldn't TW be even better?

So, like I said, I doubt that I invented it. But I definitely started using it around the time several other players were making that same discovery. And I had a head start on them, because I was already in love with my Time Warp.

*** SECOND - Reduce Burnout by Reducing Playing Time.

A WZI Battle can last as long as 30 minutes! Which, when you consider the huge number of games you have to play to reach 102400, is an insane amount of man hours. (or woman hours) (or tog hours) That's one of the reasons it was originally believed that no one would ever obtain the Legendary. Because it would be simply stupid to waste that much time doing it.

But a WZIB battle on Flocks (Floating Rocks) or Final Earth can be over in seconds if you use SAC+TW. So I started ONLY playing those two templates. If the other templates came up, I would go get a snack or go back to whatever I was doing before and ignore WZIB. My advancements were good enough that I could still earn 10 or 20 points from Copper Creek Castle, even if I was completely AFK the whole time.

Because I was putting in very little effort, I was able to WZIB for longer periods of time. I could WZIB while I was at work, or watching a movie, or on the phone talking to my mother. So instead of putting in just the 2 hours a day (that I actually spend WZing) and only playing 3 or 4 games. I was able to "play" 10-12 hours a day and join 20+ games. And since I was winning approx half of those in seconds it was easy to earn close to 1000 BP a day on only 15-20 minutes of actual playing time.

*** THIRD - Let WarTog Be WarTog

The final piece of the puzzle was defeating the dreaded Deleted Battles. Certain periods of the day, when the number of WZ players in general decreases while various continents sleep. It was not uncommon to have 4 or 5 battles in a row be deleted for lack of players. As any WZIB-er knows, the anguish of staying awake an extra half hour to play the next WZIB, only to have it be deleted, is a suffering no land animal should endure. I believe it was Otto who coined the phrase "9 is the Loneliest Number."

It simply would not matter if I was available for 20 battles a day if 10 of them were deleted. So I started making a point of making a big stink about it in Global Chat. I would announce the battles. I would scamper about assembling my BattlePig™ Armor and preparing for WZIB. I invented other BattlePig™ Armaments. And threatened to crush any player who dared to enter the WZIB. (Reverse psychology! ;)

As a result of all this nonsense, participation in WZIB shot up, because players rarely missed the signup window, since they were never unaware that there was an upcoming battle. If WarTog was awake, you knew exactly when every battle was. And of course, later in my run, the generous citizens of Global Chat went out of their way to sign up for WZIB just to help me get games as I approached the final plateau.

I believe this simple strategy of Greater Awareness = Fewer Deleted Game is what led JK to create the first bot to do the same thing, but less obnoxiously. And that led to Otto's Idle Battle Reminder Bot who is still with us today. And drinking all the coffee. And never cleans his room.

Or maybe that's WarTog.


Edited 6/13/2023 22:31:44
WarZone Idle Battle - Legends: 2023-06-13 20:38:38

Level 62
I just won Copper Creek in 55 seconds :)
WarZone Idle Battle - Legends: 2023-06-14 02:58:46

Level 40
I'm still slowly working my way up to my first superascension. I had stopped playing wzib at 25600 points a year or so ago when the guides did not list a legendary reward. But then I saw Otto's post and realised it was an option (maybe I had seen WarTog's earlier; I cannot recall). And I did my calculations and saw that I'd probably need to legendary in order to superascend in a timely fashion at my current rate (going to superascend with one insane and one legendary). So I started the grind.

Not really a lot to say about the play. I don't have investments in the auto stuff (other than the necessary, of course). I went with a loadout of Army Camp Boost (Epic, then later Legendary), Territory Money Boost (Epic), Supercharge Army Camp (Legendary), and Time Warp (Legendary). Lacking the auto advancements, I would wait until the SAC expired before hitting the Time Warp, at least on the larger maps. After a while I knew how many upgrades on Gislic I needed on Floating Rocks and Final Earth so that hitting the Time Warp would clear the level, and could do that early. At some point in there I bought a few more levels in (normal) auto-conquer and that helped considerably. (Checking: It's at 20%; I imagine things might have gone faster if it were higher.)

Towards the end I was getting a fairly reliable 800 to 1000 points a day of playing. Admittedly, I spend most of my time at my computer in any case. :) My average placement seemed to be around third, potentially higher on games where Cryptic was not present. (A personal highlight was coming first on Final Earth when Cryptic was in the game but appeared to not have noticed it started, or something. He still came third.) After a while I started recognising various players and know when to sandbag the start so as to not get nuked into the stone age when they completed the level. I still got nuked a lot anyway.

It seems unlikely that I'll go for a WZIB legendary again, but given I tend to be a much slower player of idle than most it's not impossible. Maybe after two superascensions, if I hold out for another insane...

Edited 6/14/2023 02:59:03
WarZone Idle Battle - Legends: 2023-06-14 03:26:08

Level 60
certain periods of the day, when the number of WZ players in general decreases while various continents sleep.

Me at 12pm trying to play WZIB: *insane yelling*
Deleted battles are painful... I took a few minutes to swap my artifacts and wait for WZIB and all I get is EMOTIONAL DAMAGE
So I started making a point of making a big stink about it in Global Chat. I would announce the battles. I would scamper about assembling my BattlePig™ Armor and preparing for WZIB. I invented other BattlePig™ Armaments. And threatened to crush any player who dared to enter the WZIB. (Reverse psychology! ;)

You were the WZIB Bot before the WZIB Bot!!! Congrats
And of course, later in my run, the generous citizens of Global Chat went out of their way to sign up for WZIB just to help me get games as I approached the final plateau.

And later, you were the one who returned the favour.

With my Ep SAC+TW, 100% inc money cache, 140% IACP, 15% AUAC, i almost insta win float rocks, 10-15m armies short :( then everyone with better battle stuff get to it before me
25600 BP is going to be most players' final goal. With the SAsc BP reset, fewer and fewer players are going to be able to have 102400 BP. And anyone who gets 102400BP twice is going to be a true legend.

I now realise that "you are only ever going to get 2 ML powers without paying coins" that i myself have said, is a lie. But only technically :)

There are NO battle rewards above the Legendary Artifact.

Or is there?


Edited 6/14/2023 03:30:51
WarZone Idle Battle - Legends: 2023-07-06 01:12:28

Level 64
I will be getting my legendary after my next battle. anyone want to make make a guess what it will be?
WarZone Idle Battle - Legends: 2023-07-06 01:13:20

Level 62
Discount Army Camp
WarZone Idle Battle - Legends: 2023-07-06 01:21:21

Level 64
I'm guessing Idle Time
WarZone Idle Battle - Legends: 2023-07-06 01:22:42

Level 61
What are you hoping for?
WarZone Idle Battle - Legends: 2023-07-06 03:58:57

Level 64
it'll be fodder either way :(
WarZone Idle Battle - Legends: 2023-07-06 04:11:23

Level 64
it was a cache boost
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