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Bug/possible exploit: 2023-05-09 11:14:05

Level 58
Sunday I was doing Africa on my PC. I switch my Epic SAC into to replace my rare RB to do a WZIB. While I was waiting on the battle to start. I loaded the game on my phone to watch an ad for a bonus. After the WZIB, I now had two rare RB and no Epic SAC.

I am waiting on a roll back I hope till Sunday but it does make me think If I could turn 4 commons into Legs and Epic every 30 minutes that would be some really fast progression.
Bug/possible exploit: 2023-05-09 19:09:21

Level 60
Probably a bug. My advice: write to Fizzer.
As of now we experience a few things broken too, because of the update rollout.
Bug/possible exploit: 2023-05-09 19:12:45

Level 58
He just gave me a Epic SAC to replace the one I lost so I guess I gained a R RB. I couldn't repeat it but maybe involved something other than just what i saw on my end.
Bug/possible exploit: 2023-05-09 19:13:19

Level 60
Good, that it ended well :D
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