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Fantasy Game: 2023-03-09 11:31:54

Human Destroyer 
Level 56
I'm looking for some help regarding my upcomming fantasy game.

I need some help with:
- The borders
- The lore
- The name of the game
- and more creatures(and info about said creatures)

Here is the template(so far):
Fantasy Game: 2023-03-09 13:11:39

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Sentient or non-sentient creatures?
Fantasy Game: 2023-03-09 13:15:31

Human Destroyer 
Level 56
preferably sentient, but maybe some non-sentient
Fantasy Game: 2023-03-09 13:47:20

Human Destroyer 
Level 56
I've changed the fish slot into a few empires, added the French & Brittish Empire and added the saharan dessert(wastelands) (might lower the wastelands tho)


Edited 3/9/2023 14:00:16
Fantasy Game: 2023-03-09 14:16:08

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62

Kappas don't have souls on their own, they can steal souls of other sentient creatures, killing them in the process. Stealing a soul will result in kappa receiving the years the previous soul owner had, prolonging their live span; kappa can survive very long after stealing a soul of a child, but stealing a soul of an elder adds but a few years. In order for new kappa to be born, a soul must be supplied. In theory, kappas are immortal - as long as they keep stealing souls.

This puts kappa in a moral dilemma - is prolonging your life worth killing others? Is prolonging your life worth not prolonging the life of other kappas or denying the creation of a new kappa? It's probably this dilemma, why kappa society is very pious. Their religion mostly focuses on the concept of self-worth and the worth of others. They have a strong sense of morality.

Currently, kappas ban others from stealing souls to prolong their lives - with a few exceptions, rewards for extraordinary actions. Kappas try to negotiate with other empires, to receive convicts as sacrifices - so they can use their souls for reproduction. They try to be a peaceful nation, even though they are looked down upon by other empires for their soul-stealing powers.

Separatist kappa
Enemies of other kappas, these kappas decided, that prolonging their lives is worth taking the lives of others. They are typically slavers - raid a village, get slaves, work them to near exhaustion, harvest them for souls, repeat. Separatist kappas can cast magic using the power of their harvested souls. Normal kappas would never do that, as it takes precious years from their life spans. Thanks to magic, separatist kappas are very powerful and feared fighters.
Fantasy Game: 2023-03-09 14:33:39

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62

Steampunk creatures. A long time ago, a civilization faced an extinction event. They were able to transfer the consciousness of some of their members into automatons. After hibernating for some time underground, automatons now surface. Automatons have advanced steampunk technology and are able to create advanced steam-based machinery.

Automatons need water and fuel (coal or wood) to survive and for their technology to work. While automatons can repair minor damage, if their gears completely stop, their consciousness vanishes and they can no longer be brought to life. Automatons can't reproduce. Being the last legacy of their specie, automatons are obsessed with survival. Their numbers are limited and with each death, part of their culture dies. This results in automatons hiding in safe bunkers while managing their machinery to do all work for them. They leave their safe spots and risk death only if it is absolutely necessary. Automatons wish to revive their species and bring it back to earth, so far without results.

Edited 3/9/2023 14:34:42
Fantasy Game: 2023-03-09 15:10:42

Human Destroyer 
Level 56
Kappa's are a pretty interesting species, although the first time i saw the picture I was like "AYOO TF IS THAT!"
Fantasy Game: 2023-03-09 15:23:13

Human Destroyer 
Level 56
But the Automatons won't be realistic in this world since they are steampunk
Fantasy Game: 2023-03-09 15:38:15

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Automatons are relicts from an older advanced civilization that mysteriously disappeared. I believe that it is a rather common trope in fantasy.
Fantasy Game: 2023-03-09 15:39:13

Level 62
fantasy, Stargate...
Fantasy Game: 2023-03-09 15:46:59

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Feel free to google a different picture for kappa, I didn't want to include the water bowl gimmick, as that makes them way too weak. Also, my kappas use a different method of harvesting one's soul than traditional ones.

Edited 3/9/2023 15:47:48
Fantasy Game: 2023-03-09 19:17:30

Human Destroyer 
Level 56
Changed a few borders and splitted the orcs into more tribes.

Fantasy Game: 2023-03-10 07:33:50

Human Destroyer 
Level 56
Added Ming and Mongolia, split Brazil into two and some other border changes.

Fantasy Game: 2023-03-10 10:20:23

Human Destroyer 
Level 56
- The German Empire
- Austria-Hungary
- Spain
- Portugal
- Italy
All with colonised land and one or a few vassals


Edited 3/10/2023 10:37:25
Fantasy Game: 2023-03-10 12:21:33

Human Destroyer 
Level 56
- A 3rd Dragon and Kobold empire
- N. American regions (species open)
- small border changes
Only the Saharan dessert is neutral
- Some human vassals in africa like:
-- German Middle Africa
-- French West Africa
-- Brittish South Africa
-- Portugese West Africa


Any other ideas are appreciated.

Edited 3/10/2023 12:25:26
Fantasy Game: 2023-03-12 02:19:07

Human Destroyer 
Level 56
- Fixed the slots
- Border changes
- Added factions(with the factions mod)


Any critisism, lore and border change ideas are appreciated
Fantasy Game: 2023-03-12 13:48:18

Human Destroyer 
Level 56
Fixed some slots that would've had two slots combined

Fantasy Game: 2023-03-12 14:47:36

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Diplomacy Card: In 1 piece to last for 3 turns. (minimum 1 piece per turn)
Fantasy Game: 2023-03-12 15:16:42

Human Destroyer 
Level 56
That's too much, you can get 1 card each turn.

for that I want to add a mod that allows you to buy cards(for a high price ofc).
Fantasy Game: 2023-03-13 12:24:07

Human Destroyer 
Level 56
I'm thinking of nerfing slots A and B by 100
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