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Local Deployment Auto Navigate: 2023-02-15 01:06:47

Level 60
Like the title says, what say you to the idea of Auto Navigate to a LD upon clicking a LD?

Particularly useful on large maps while zoomed in.
Local Deployment Auto Navigate: 2023-02-15 04:57:39

Level 63
Can you describe what auto navigate should do? Could be added to the LD helper mod.
Local Deployment Auto Navigate: 2023-02-15 05:09:03

Level 60
Certainly. Towards the upper left corner, all of your Local Deployments are listed and highlighted in blue, clickable links. Clicking a Local Deployment link will auto navigate the camera to hover over that specific territory.

This would be useful especially on large maps, particularly while zoomed in view and speeds up the process of deploying LD's.
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