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Multilevel questions: 2023-02-02 14:03:13

Level 56
Hi all,

I am thinking about using one of my two multi level advancements. But before, some questions:

Is the state of the artifacts independent in those games? E.g. can I start a new game, while artifacts in the current game are cooling down? Or will I see the identical state of artifacts?
What is with digging? Can I dig in each game, or is the dig-slot for all games?
If those two things are global, i can see almost no benefit for multilevel.

But if its independent, the most important question? How can I get more multi level advancements? Not from the wheel, you can play after arena games. That is for sure. There must be some way, to get more as otherways the last hardened level makes almost no sense, to get an autoupdater for all parallel levels.

Thanks for your information!
Multilevel questions: 2023-02-02 14:05:23

Level 56
Both are global. Artifact cooldown persists across all maps on the same account. Also, you can have only one dig active regardless of the number of maps you're running.

Edit: There is a phase 4 advancement "Simultaneous Levels" which allows you to run up to five maps simultaneously. The "Update All" button becomes useful then.

Edited 2/2/2023 14:08:44
Multilevel questions: 2023-02-02 14:16:35

Level 62
The same goes for clan requests. You can only request (and later claim) from one of the levels and the cooldown afterwards is global as well.

Main use cases for Multi Level Power or Simultaneous Levels Advancement - as far as I know - are:
* use one of the levels for digging and use the other one for normal progress
* dont waste time while you are waiting for stuff to finish - especially on tech runs, where you have to smelt/craft thousands of alloys/items

Some people claim that using ML powers or SimLvl Adv can increase overall AP/h, but I personally never felt that to be a huge boost. I only used an ML power once to test it out - and didnt find it super useful. And lately I used an ML power while I was on HEX Earth, where you are crafting items for ~40 hours before you can progress...
Multilevel questions: 2023-02-02 14:21:02

Level 56
Thanks for that information. That means, multilevel is almost useless in the beginning. It might become useful, when you are strong enough, to play lower levels without the need of active artifacts. But in those cases, autoupdate is useless, as you will only update very selected items, to finish those levels fast. Weird.
Multilevel questions: 2023-02-02 14:29:49

Level 53
Aye. It is important not to waste your multi-level powers, since there are so few of them.

And as others have said, or implied, it is best to use them on two levels that both take a long long time, because it makes your work less tedious.

Once you finish *either* of the levels, you are right back to playing single level.

Probably the most interesting thing about multi-levels - as has been suggested - is that you can choose to do certain things on one map or the other. For example, you can request a clan request on one map (where you need armies) - while *granting* a clan request on the other.

Or you can run a SAC artifact on one map. Then switch over to the other map to do a Time Warp. This will reduce the cool down time on your SAC artifact (since cool down is global), but the SAC will still be active on the map where you activated (so you can still get drafts) (In other words, the TW will not skip over your Supercharged time.)
Multilevel questions: 2023-02-02 14:36:52

Level 53
Oh! I just remember one fun thing you can do with Multi-level!

When you are doing one of the harder Hard levels - HEH, for example, or Hard Trisk - you can do Europe Huge and Hard Europe Huge simultaneously. Then you can use a SUPER Fog Buster on the Hard map. Now, you have an unfogged map where the assets (hospitals, markets, etc) are identical on both maps. (So you don't need to de-fog the regular map!)

Multilevel questions: 2023-02-02 14:47:42

0zark Girl
Level 57
oh wow. I hadn't thought of that one. Like you said, the fog bust will work on both levels that way
Multilevel questions: 2023-02-02 21:09:10

Level 61
Feeding powers from one map to the others, is useful.
Multilevel questions: 2023-02-02 21:31:14

Level 61
Doing 2 long big levels at the same time saves time, such as USA big and Europe Huge. Or Hard Trisk and Hard Europe Huge.

Edited 2/2/2023 21:32:30
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