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Can't no longer login to app: 2022-08-01 18:50:06

Level 56

all the sudden I can't no longer login on my android app.
After login I receive a message:

Please update to the latest version of the Warzone app. The server detected that your client is out of date or you 're trying to use a feature that only exists in new versions of the client.

I used that login some hours ago without any problem. My current level was started on this android tablet four or five days ago, so its impossible that I use newer features.

Any hints?
Can't no longer login to app: 2022-08-01 20:43:57

Level 57
Same here,

I can't sync my running game no longer from my android system. Four hours ago I synced succesfully for getting the ad-watch-bonus.

Whenever I try to sync, I get the message from above.
Can't no longer login to app: 2022-08-01 20:49:08

Level 63
double negative means you CAN log into the app, so all is good it seems
Can't no longer login to app: 2022-08-01 20:50:29

Level 55
I'll tell fizzer
Can't no longer login to app: 2022-08-01 22:51:34

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Warzone only supports recent versions of the app. It looks like the version you're using is nearly a year old. Most Android/iOS devices auto update to the latest version within a few weeks of that version coming out, but if you disable the auto-update you need to manually tell it to update.
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