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The Story Of Viking Slayer: 2022-04-12 00:19:50

Viking Slayer II
Level 55
Many many years ago, in Iceland, a volcano was erupting. It was the biggest eruption Iceland had ever seen, and it was that night, that one of the most disliked beings was born. A young Illithid whose true name has been forgotten, Viking Slayer.

The Young Illtithid lived a happy life eating numerous brains and such, and he even began training under the most powerful illithid in Iceland, Master Illithid. He trained with his master for many many years. Then one day Viking Raiders under the command of Viking1007, attacked. It was a brutal battle and the Illithids won, but at great cost. Master Illtihid died in a heroic move that guaranteed the victory of the illithids.

The now middle aged Illithid took up the name Viking Slayer to avenge his master. And when he has slain enough souls, Viking Slayer will ascend to claim a new title, the title of his master. (He will be worthy of his new name at level 60).

In his great Viking Slaying travels, he tamed the legendary Tarrasque to be his mount.

He has recently been seen looming about in disappointing areas such as Grover’s cafe, but he shall not rest until he and his Tarrasque have slain every upstanding Viking, and he can claim his masters title.

He also enjoys battling for sport with Alien, a strange guy he found in the bushes and Grover the owner of the only cafe in the region.

Some “accomplishments” of the great Viking Slayer:

He is responsible for the banning of Robert, Harvey, and Cazza; He started a rebellion in a attempt to steal the crown from his friends, this later resulted in him actually taking a few months later; he exploded Grover’s cafe and sold UFO into slavery to rebuild it; he was the second member of Grover’s Perpetual Cafe; he managed to get AbsolutelyEtathan to block him; and he managed to get TR-8R to consider him the standard for all cringe.

I hope you enjoyed the story of the legendary figure you have the privilege of seeing every day. :)

Edited 4/12/2022 00:27:19
The Story Of Viking Slayer: 2022-04-12 23:45:56

Darth Grover
Level 52
You forgot to mention that Harvey actually banned himself.
The Story Of Viking Slayer: 2022-04-12 23:48:11

Viking Slayer II
Level 55
He banned himself because I got Cazza banned
The Story Of Viking Slayer: 2022-04-13 19:06:00

Level 61
New York times best seller in the making
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