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WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-07 23:20:41

Level 45
This is a continuation of warzone underground, but because of complaints within the thread, we have changed it to Warlight. Please refer back to here ( https://www.warzone.com/Forum/604293-wzug-warzone-underground ) for background information.

Edited 2/7/2022 23:22:43
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-07 23:31:37

Darth Grover
Level 52
Greetings, loyal (secret underground) subjects
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-07 23:32:05

Becky <3
Level 25
I'm the original founder of this whole organization but cudos to Maniacial for helping me out with it all
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-07 23:32:13

Becky <3
Level 25
hello Grover
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-07 23:36:33

Level 45
Thank you and Hello Grover.
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-07 23:40:16

Becky <3
Level 25
First order of business
Post here whatever you can find about Viking Slayers whereabouts or what he is doing
he said he "ran away north" but idk what that means. So if someone does please let me know
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-08 00:05:20

Darth Grover
Level 52
I already know where he is.

PS Don't forget my royal title when addressing me.
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-08 00:05:54

Becky <3
Level 25
My apologies King Grover
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-08 00:06:25

Becky <3
Level 25
like I said we are not against you but we aren't in full support of you yet (meaning we don't work together rn)
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-08 00:17:35

Level 45
He said in clan chat that he was in the mountains... Something about trainning with his master.
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-08 00:18:35

Becky <3
Level 25
yes I saw but who is his "master"
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-08 00:33:18

Level 45
I would say maybe an alt of his that would give him many xp and level him up so he can create games taht give him advantage through custom scenario. And no, I am not his alt who knows all about it.
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-08 01:30:06

Level 10

Edited 2/8/2022 01:30:23
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-08 01:32:07

Level 10
I am in the same clan as him. Could that be helpful?
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-08 01:59:52

Viking Slayer II
Level 55
* A stork flys through the window carrying a scroll in its beak

Hello. This is the “discredited fugitive” known as Viking slayer. I assume my bird delivered the message. Anyway... bubblewrap. You won’t find me in a million years. Me and my master have moved further north to a location you couldn’t find in years. I am so sure you won’t find it I will give you its name because it appears on no maps- Wrmyroost.
You won’t find me, my childhood home is safer than any place on earth.

And Darth Grover, try as you might to deceive your comrades,me and you both know what you were planning. You can’t hide from the reality that you are a traitor forever.

Sincerely, The Viking Slayer

Edited 2/8/2022 02:02:02
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-08 02:17:14

Becky <3
Level 25
I can't tell if he is trying to pursuade me to join him or insulting me XD
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-08 02:35:49

Becky <3
Level 25
Grover I need to talk to you in private please
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-08 03:29:12

Level 45
I am in the same clan as him. Could that be helpful?

Most of us are.
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-08 03:31:17

Becky <3
Level 25
Maniacial check your inbox for letters
WLUG (Warlight Underground): 2022-02-08 04:09:26

Level 45
THey've been found.
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