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[POLL][DIPLO] Come have your say!: 2022-01-29 00:34:15

Level 52

This is a poll that was set up becuase people seem to have differing views regarding this.

Comment below if you have any thoughts to share.
[POLL][DIPLO] Come have your say!: 2022-01-29 00:38:53

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
2) There is auto-commit, which means that when the timer hits 0 and you have made some kind of order, you will not be kicked.

1) Unfair advantage to players who check game more often.
[POLL][DIPLO] Come have your say!: 2022-01-29 15:12:51

Level 52
Thank you for your comment! I just realised this - for surrendering I agree, there would be an unfair advantage. But couldn't you also say there is an unfair advantage for neighbours who can just knock you out of neighbouring neutrals because of their larger income? Just a thought. What's your opinion?

Edited 1/29/2022 15:13:49
[POLL][DIPLO] Come have your say!: 2022-01-29 18:46:04

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
People going neutral in diplo is a problem and also a reason why rules like "don't surrender" or boot prerequisites exist.
Still, it is fairer for neighbours attacking the neutral same turn than people who check more often having 1 turn advantage.
[POLL][DIPLO] Come have your say!: 2022-02-06 09:43:04

Level 58
[POLL][DIPLO] Come have your say!: 2022-02-06 11:02:35

Level 55
Still, it is fairer for neighbours attacking the neutral same turn than people who check more often having 1 turn advantage.

They invest time to get the advantage, so I think it's fair.
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