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How to play "Scandinavia and the Nordic Countries": 2021-12-28 11:11:46

Level 57

I have reached the Scandinavia map, and I am clueless, how to play. In most regions the small territories are so overlapping, that I see only any overlay of different symbols. Unfortunately I can't zoom more into detail.
My workaround, reducing the browser view-zoom (which makes the icons and the fonts smaller) results in browser crashes.

(Same in Firefox and Opera: "Sorry, your browser has failed with the erro [SIC] NS_ERROR_FAILURE. This likely means it ran out of memory." )

How do you have solved playing this map?
How to play "Scandinavia and the Nordic Countries": 2021-12-28 13:59:40

Level 26
I'm also on the same level as you and have no problems, are you unable to zoom in using the mouse scroll wheel? Or you do zoom in but thats not enough for you?
- downvoted post by Loxiiv
How to play "Scandinavia and the Nordic Countries": 2021-12-29 11:36:21

Level 57
I zoom with mouse-wheel, but i can't zoom in this map not so deep as needed.
First problems arose in Greater Stockholm, now the western coast of Norway. I don't see single territories, nor the values, as everything is overlaying.
I think, it would be a good help, when fontsize could be halved, and also the icons (for mine, cache, dig-site...) would be half the size.
But still the single territories in this map are to small, especially at the coasts. Its impossible to see, how many territories are there, and how they share borders.
How to play "Scandinavia and the Nordic Countries": 2021-12-29 14:19:39

Level 25
You could try to reduce your monitor's resolution. But that's not a good solution, either.
How to play "Scandinavia and the Nordic Countries": 2021-12-30 03:42:08

Level 62
There is "UI Scale" option on apps setting. By changing the value we can change the scale of things (i.e. the font size etc). We need membership for desktop apps but not for phone apps (both Android and IOS). So you can either:
1. Play on phone
2. Become a member and play on desktop apps
3. Play on better computer to allow you to zoom as you like/need
4. Increase the memory of your current computer to achieve the same as no.3 above

How to play "Scandinavia and the Nordic Countries": 2021-12-30 15:27:19

Level 58
did you try zooming in and out again
How to play "Scandinavia and the Nordic Countries": 2021-12-30 15:32:29

Level 61
if you change ui scale, filter games tab covers the "my games" and it looks tacky. Fizer needs to look into it.
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