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Discord server for modded Warzone: 2021-12-27 22:49:14

Level 60
Hi there,

For those who don't know me, just 3 months ago I started modding, now I'm spending most of my time here on Warzone creating, testing, analyzing and improving mods and I'm constantly thinking of new mod ideas. I started a google docs document where I will write a manual for every public mod (for those who follow that thread, it will get back to more regular updates after the holiday season xD). These manuals are meant for everyone, from beginner to veteran, for game creators and players who just happened to be in a modded game.

I think having a dedicated Discord server for everything related to mods would help to improve the modded community.

  • A place to meet other mod enthousiasts
  • The server should be a good place to share game invitations to players
  • Players can suggest mod ideas to mod creators
  • Bugs, exploits or issues with mods can be made public since not all Warzone mod authors are active anymore
  • It should be a good central place where players can find help with strategy and game creating

Right now modded games fill up realllly slow, a 40 FFA modded game can take up to 2 full months to fill up with active refreshing of the blue box. Since not everyone looks on the open games page that often a place where you get a notification if a modded game is created can attract more mod enjoyers instead of waiting till you have enough players that get booted T1. And yes, modded games are mostly full of strategy, even more than normal Warzone games.

My only concern with the Discord server is the activity of it. I'm afraid the server dies out rather quickly before it really has improved the modded community. This is the reason why I haven't created a server for it yet. Anyone who can help me out with this?


Discord server for modded Warzone: 2022-01-02 17:05:15

Level 60
no one...? xD
Discord server for modded Warzone: 2022-01-02 17:18:34

Level 64

Warzone Creator
I suggest making a new channel on the existing discord linked on the home page
Discord server for modded Warzone: 2022-01-05 00:34:36

Level 60
I'll contact one of the admins there about it, tx
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