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The 65th Anniversary - Let's plan now: 2021-10-27 17:31:41

Level 60
The 65th Anniversary of Risk: The Game of Global Domination, will soon be upon us.

I purposely chose today, as there 65 days remaining in 2021.

Let us gather together, and pay humble tribute to the game we've all enjoyed throughout the decades.

Board game or online, truly one of the greatest games of all time, continuing on, with Fizzers most excellent and life dedicated endeavor.

We would be amiss if we as a community did not show some appreciation.

What say you fellow Warheads? Live Stream celebration? Discord and tell your favorite stories? Reminisce?

What can we do? We have 65 days to prepare. Let's have some fun. :)
The 65th Anniversary - Let's plan now: 2021-10-27 18:00:31

Level 63
if you are streaming maybe do some rt tournaments :3 on small earth map since that is same as old risk map
The 65th Anniversary - Let's plan now: 2021-10-28 17:30:34

Level 60
A classic Risk W.I.P. level, given the parameters of what Warzone will allow, I welcome suggestions. What would you like to see?
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