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Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 20:28:44

Level 60
The main problem with your clan is that it has a negative rating (the output shows 0 but you are below) because of the bad performance in the previous seasons, that's not surely Fizzer's fault.
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 20:32:43

Level 63
denying ppl the right to participate is completely flawed in any sense. what kind of competition is it when one clan starts out superior than other off the bat? we have had close to 50 voided games. ON THE FIRST DAY. that will lead to hundreds if not thousands of voided games. if this doesnt show a problem to you, idk what will.
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 20:44:52

Level 60
I'm just saying that if you started from 0 that problem would not have been as huge as it is now probably...
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 20:46:37

Level 60
You had more or less -100 clan wars rating I think, now you are at -20, in few days your problem should be solved I hope.

They say that it used to be -45, so maybe you're growing a bit slower that I thought, sorry about that.

Edited 9/15/2021 21:33:52
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 20:46:44

Level 62
The quickest way to solve this is to add more time slots or more templates per each time slot. The problem with that is it also just gives more free wins. Right now you will just have to keep playing and eventually you’re rating will rise and match against better opponents. That also sucks because that means only 10-15 players can get to play clan wars for now until yolo’s rating rises. But yes the matchmaking sucks and should be fixed.
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 20:47:33

Level 63
i dont think you understand how the matchmaking works, but it would be nice if we had started at 0, cos we'd almost be at 30 rating now. LOL. (not that much difference, but it means we'll get to higher mark slightly quicker. we would still not get matches the same. the fact that there are so many voided games, is a problem. there'd be the same amount of voids if we were at 0. you can ask many other clans such as TLA, they had the same issue)
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 20:54:01

Level 60
Right now even a new clan that enters clan wars for the first time has priority on you and your rating can't change a lot if you only have 1-2 games every timeslot, thing that can happen more quickly even if the games were only 3-4 instead.
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 20:55:56

Level 60
Yeah, rn matchmaking isn't very good but you made it quite worse starting with a clan that had such poor performance in the past..
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 20:56:34

Level 63
okay tell me what new clan joined and is preventing us from games? even at 0 rating we would get same amount of games. we onyl get 1 point per free win. that means we need 100 free wins to get to even 100 rating, which is pretty low-tier...
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 21:05:02

Level 60
No new clan but a bit of old ones with "0" as rating have joined timeslots today and I think they had priority over you.

Edited 9/15/2021 21:34:46
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 22:21:13

Level 64
Python complaining again cause they can't win, how sad. Clan Wars is fine the way it is.
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 22:21:43

Level 63
not just python players :/
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 22:22:15

Level 64
Oh thats right you found another perpetual bridesmaid to merge with
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 22:30:59

Level 63
all i was trying to do was build interest for clan war, can you respect that?
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 23:01:38

Level 64
Yeah and complaining about matchmaking is going to drive so many new players to join the next timeslot.
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 23:19:40

Level 63
I'm not here to argue with you. I'm only here to explain that we wish to play games, and we cannot. Our group is an extreme example, but it has happened to many clans. Sorry if I annoyed you Xeno, but this thread wasn't made for you, I promise. It wasn't even made just for my group. I hope Fizzer can see this letter as one from the Community, otherwise I would have just mailed him personally.
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 23:27:30

Level 59
Love not fight
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 23:30:26

Level 58
Well, people can't live their life around this game. It can be hard enough (for people with lives) to get a timeslot to work for them. It's a lot harder if they get kicked out of their slot and don't even get a game. Especially if it happens multiple times a day.
Matchmaking: 9/15/2021 23:58:56

Level 64

Warzone Creator
gate keeping all new clans

yolo isn't a new clan, they've been playing in every season since Clan Wars launched.

if randint()%2 == 1:

It's a workable algorithm but it has advantages and disadvantages compared to what we have now. The advantage is that more total games will get created, since it prioritizes clans with lots of players. The advantage of the current algorithm is that it matches players with similar ratings, which maximizes the quality of each game that is created. Top clans are matched against top clans as much as possible. In the proposed algorithm here, you'd have tons of uneven games where a top player is matched against a poor player just because the poor player's clan has lots of players.
Matchmaking: 9/16/2021 00:29:26

Level 64
I'm only here to explain that we wish to play games, and we cannot

You're not getting any games because some genius decided it would be a good idea to pack 40 players from TSFH Python etc into a clan with a negative rating. The Clan Wars rating is a function of your activity and skill, and you guys have decided to masquerade as a low-skill and low-activity clan. Ultimately, the matchmaking system was working well for you, until you shot yourselves in the foot.
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