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Superpower MR: 2021-09-08 16:25:46

Darryl Chow
Level 55
Hi, may I ask if anyone knows how the superpower MR works? A regular MR power yields 86400s of production of each item in the required market given the real-time snapshot of the required ore production rates. If I superpower MR, does it yield 864,000s of production, or does it still yield only 86,400s of production but with the snapshot of the ore productions multiplied by 10? This can be quite critical because the SM+MR combo strategy can sometimes be limited by the number of smelters and crafters we have on hand. Thanks a lot!
Superpower MR: 2021-09-08 16:34:10

Level 61
Based on what we have heard from Fizzer, I believe the order of operations is:
a) Calculate impact of a single MR
b) Round to the nearest integer
c) Multiply by 10

I’m inferring here but it’s a fact that they minimum a 10x MR will yield is 10 of each item/alloy
Superpower MR: 2021-09-08 16:40:23

Darryl Chow
Level 55
Thanks, actly if the impact from a single market is sufficiently large (at least 1 of each item before rounding) then regardless of the order of (b) and (c) the yield would be, as you said, at least 10 of each item. The problem I had though, was on the order of (a), because others have mentioned before they superpowered MR with grossly deficient production rates and got 1, not 10, of each item. That’s why I’m checking to see which was the case (if anyone else has their own experiences using it!)
Superpower MR: 2021-09-08 16:48:26

Darryl Chow
Level 55
I do calculate the impact of an MR for each level assuming specific mines (eg Fondord) required to produce, eg samarium or terbium bars, are upgraded to some levels and then SM’ed. In the case of Afro-Eurasia Gargantuan (I am still on my first run, haven’t ascended yet), I made use of this to determine whether I should raid multiple markets to obtain the resources needed for techs and other stuff, or whether I should raid Paidittinicked 4 times. In the end I did the latter, but not without using the proceeds from the first raid to upgrade the mines some more before raiding the next 3 times. In the end I got a total of more than 400 erbium bars, more than 500 terbium bars and more than 600 lanthanum bars, which sold for a total of over 60T money and could easily upgrade all my hospitals to the max, hire all mercenaries, purchase all resources needed for techs that were available in the other markets, and upgrade other mines so that the resources needed for techs that aren’t available in markets could all be produced very quickly. I had many spare bars that could be used to craft the extremely profitable electronics towards the end of the level, but it turns out they weren’t a game changer at all. In the end I cleared the level in 8 days 18h, and that’s after running out of mercenaries and having to depend solely on army camps and the sliding draft pool for slightly more than 24 hours. I have just cleared hardened Ursa:Luna right after that, and I’m now doing Triskelion, US and Europe Huge all at once (using 2 ML powers) and aiming to ascend before the end of the month. :)

Edited 9/8/2021 16:51:14
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