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Aw Man: 2021-08-13 05:59:27

Level 58
>used inspire mercenaries
>scrolling down
>evidently one got clicked on that was half the amount/price as the best one I was going for
Man, now it's going to take an entire extra day before this level is over. The same thing has happened with the get 50% more xp for however many coins, but because I was clicking around too fast. Please add a confirm thing to this. I'm afraid the same thing could happen with the newest update about spending coins to finish a dig site early.
Aw Man: 2021-08-13 06:07:14

Level 30
There's a confirm for all the coin spending things, so you can't do that accidentally. I've had a similar thing happen where I apparently touched the wrong thing when trying to scroll the markets in the mobile app and I ended up spending everything I had- and it was late in Europe Huge and I was gearing up for something with 2 trillion on hand- on copper bars. If you don't get unlucky with sync timing, you have a chance to undo things like that- rush to a web browser, load the map, hope the change hasn't been synced and isn't reflected on the web version, and then force a sync with ctrl-alt-g. It saved me that time and one or two others when the phone took something as input that I didn't intend. I'd rather have preferences that let you set whether you want a confirm dialog for various actions, but there's basically a complicated Hail Mary undo you can try when things go wrong.
Aw Man: 2021-08-13 06:29:11

Level 58
>there's a confirm thing for all coin spending things
Look, I was replaying a lower level to get to a dig site. I wouldn't have spent however many coins to get 1.5 XP. Maybe there is now, but there wasn't at time.

>the markets in the mobile app and I ended up spending everything I had
>2 trillion on hand- on copper bars
I've done the same thing, but it looks like they've corrected that as of like yesterday. I've spent billions buying tin bars because it double clicked and bought them all.

I'm just saying this is highly disappointing. The game is getting slower as they work out the kinks. I don't even want to mess with it now because it's so demoralizing. Inspire Mercenaries can be a trump card, but it just got blown on some petty level mercenary camp. It's just not fair, man.
Aw Man: 2021-08-13 06:37:50

Level 30
I was thinking of the new dig/active artifact refresh things- those both have confirmations. You're right that the 30% AP boost when you beat a level doesn't have a confirmation, sorry about that.
Aw Man: 2021-08-13 06:52:08

Level 58
>You're right that the 30% AP boost when you beat a level doesn't have a confirmation, sorry about that.

I'm just hoping they improve these things and add a confirmation to more things. That's the point in posting. You can accidently click on so may things with negative consequence, like my inspire mercenaries deal.

I mean, they could throw me a solid and refund the Inspire Mercenaries, but if it gets corrected in the long run, it's for the good. I mean, they still could.
Aw Man: 2021-08-13 08:17:54

Level 58
yeash, just kinda disappointed.

Edited 8/13/2021 08:48:02
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